Sunday, May 22, 2011

Happy Birthday, Tiger!

Today is Tiger's birthday, and he is one year old! As a kitten, Tiger was given to the Dawson County Humane Society and fostered by Virginia Matteson, who is a "master class" foster parent. Even though he developed upper respiratory infection and had to be treated prior to adoption, he is now healthy and has become a very pampered kitty. Ava and her family take good care of him, and he is Ava's "best buddy". Ava is my neighbor's little girl, and she's a natural born cat lover, just like me. She is also a big help when I need to water the garden, or forget something from the back yard . . . Ava fetches it for me, and always with a smile on her face! She has been a tremendous help in socializing the two litters of kittens, and even helped me name the four-kitten litter - Ebony, Midnight, Moonbeam, and Sunshine. So Happy Birthday, Tiger, and many happy returns to you with your "forever family".

1 comment:

ytsmom said...

A happy ending for Tiger; he got a wonderful home!