Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ivory and Pearls

January is one of the coldest months of winter - lots of snow, ice, wind - and while winter has its purpose, for this Florida girl, it's only to be endured as best I can. North Georgia had a one-two punch of big snow followed by icy rains that kept most of us indoors for three-four days, and let's face it, I stayed in sweats and pajamas most of the time. Except for when I shoveled my driveway, I only wore "house clothes" so that when the weekend came, I was ready to wear something a little more dressed up. And it was the weekend for Lakewood 400, where I get to see my vendor show friends, which is always a treat. The "after Christmas" sales at my favorite retailers like Talbots and J. Jill were something I definitely took advantage of . . . including this beautiful ivory shawl collared cardigan, with matching slouch neck pullover. And I bought the same thing in olive green, too! I love cardigan sweaters, especially in the winter when they hug you until you're warm and are so cozy. And with the ivory cardigan, I threw on some pearls, and a brooch that I've had since the mid-80's. Dressing up a bit felt really good after so many days of being shut inside.

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